

Round Table - Lahore

20th January, 2023

The first-round table conference of FEEROSA was aimed at getting a broader understanding of female entrepreneurship experience in Pakistan at a macro and micro level. With the aim to create a dialogue with female entrepreneurs throughout Pakistan that details their challenges and hurdles towards growth, experts from the field of women entrepreneurship were invited to share their years of valuable experience in the form of a round table discussion. The guests were chosen on the basis of their deep linkages with various entrepreneurial networks in the country to start the project by cocreating shared goals and accessing real pain points of the target population. As a result of a shared understanding of the critical problems at this stage between the project partners and outside collaborators an ongoing exchange was established that was of key value.

Discussion Points

• Key motivations that drive women to become entrepreneurs and grow their businesses

• Significant challenges women face as entrepreneurs in scaling their business

• Hurdles in venturing into mainstream industries for women

• Institutional factors (family, religion, and social/community norms) that significantly impact female business performance

• How do successful female entrepreneurs deal with the contradictions and limitations imposed by these institutional factors?

• Factors play an important role in helping successful female entrepreneurs in overcoming institutional limitations

• Which institutional factors impact the moods and psychology of female entrepreneurs?

• How is the psychology of a high growth intentioned female entrepreneurs different from the rest?